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Signup Page Design

Signup Page Design

The sign up page is the money page for many websites and decides the success or failure. Increased revenue demands the maximized completion rate of your web forms. Unless you have any innovative ideas to fascinate your visitors at first glance, it is not easy to make users sign up on your site.

There are many advantages of having users create an account and log into the system. It helps in knowing who is using your website, how often do they visit, and what they do on the website. Users can store the data they might need later, such as the order and billing information for future use. Company can offer the content and services reserved for only the best patrons.

However, designing effective sign up forms that don’t frustrate users is not that simple to achieve. Designers need to find out how make users fill up the forms and not many enjoy filling them— neither offline nor online.

Design-Redesign team provides the designs with a good user experience. We convey them how the service works, explain to them why they should fill in the form and suggest the benefits they’ll get in return. And, of course, make it extremely easy for user to participate.

Following are the mistakes to be avoided while designing the sign up form:

Having a Sign-in In The First Place

  • Requiring Sign-in Too Soon
  • Not Stating the Benefits to Registering
  • Hiding the Sign-In Button
  • Not Making “Create New Account” or “Forgot Your Password” a Button or Link
  • Not Providing Sign-in Opportunities at Key Locations
  • Asking for Too Much Information When Registering
  • Not Telling Users How You’ll Use Their Information